
Pearl Export Drum Kit / Pearl Forum Snare Drum Restore – 12/26/2022

Last fall I was gifted a drum kit from Vicki Elwood, owner of the Muse Theatre in La Crosse, WI. We were rehearsing for a musical production, and I was asking her about setting up a drum kit to stay at the theatre. That way, I wouldn’t have to bring my gigging kit back and forth from the theatre to a gig in between productions. If you aren’t familiar, some theatres have productions that go for several weeks or weekends, like Thursday, Friday, Saturday, with a matinee on Sunday. That’s not always the case, sometimes the Thursday show was just on the opening weekend, or the matinee was only on the closing weekend. Either way, I would have gigs during the week, and having a separate kit would make things so much easier. Read More

Pearl Decade Maple Upgrades – 6/15/2018

Last week, I reviewed the Pearl Decade Maple kit in all of its stock glory, which you can read here. This post is about the changes I made before I brought this kit to the stage. One change was out of necessity, the other changes were simply preference. There is a video demonstration at the end of this post. Read More