Joseph "Stix" Davis
A Sparkling Anniversary Gift
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By Joseph "Stix" Davis - 7/9/18
April 1st, 2018
April Fool's Day, Easter Sunday, and one year since Kaitlyn and I started dating, all rolled into one. After recreating our first date the best I could (several places were closed due to the day being Easter Sunday), I presented her a white gold Celtic knot ring with a sapphire stone and our names engraved on the inside. She presented me a picture of a snare drum. She ordered it back in February, but unfortunately, it was on backorder.
Well, it's here now, and it is beautiful!
The newest addition to my collection, and the first piece of my next kit, a Pearl Masters Maple Complete Snare, 14" x 6.5", 100% maple, 6-ply shell, with a 45° bearing edge, and a gorgeous Absinthe Sparkle finish.
Thanks dear! You're the best!
I plan on reviewing this snare drum soon, but in the meantime, enjoy some more photos!
- Stix